Launching a product or service?
Repositioning your brand in a changing market?
Engaging employees in a business strategy?

Maybe it's time to start
blaming the messenger.

Strategic messaging is the foundation of effective communications, and we have a proven approach for creating it.

Cason Lane Strategic Communications is an award-winning team that drives sales, loyalty, reputation, advocacy and other success factors through internal and external communications, with a focus on messaging strategy. Please read more about what we do. Then contact us to discuss your latest challenge.


Great writing tells your story. Smart strategy sells it.

We’re a different kind of consulting company.

In addition to creating strategies, we put them into action with world-class writing. We can help you in areas like:

  • Brand communications
  • Product marketing
  • Strategic planning
  • Internal communications
  • Executive communications
  • Organizational change
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Integrating internal and external communications

With Cason Lane, there’s no need to juggle a consulting firm and a copywriting firm at twice the price and hassle. Instead, we provide that rare combination of strategic planning and writing talent — all in one package.

Cason Lane speaking.

Your strategic partner

Cason Lane has been a valued thought partner to C-suites, communication directors and other professionals in corporations, nonprofits and government agencies. We’d love to work with you too.

Cason Lane is an award-winning communications company in San Diego, California.